因为遇到一些有关矿尘气溶胶的问题,最近一段时间都在看这方面的相关文献。前几日刚看完 Sullivan-2007-ACP 这篇文章,因文章太长,信息量过大,加之生活上的种种因素,以致累计下来在这篇文章上花费了将近两周的时间。虽然收获颇丰,但也对自己的计划安排产生了较大干扰,而且文中能对我解决眼下困难所提供的帮助也仅有那么几点。思来想去,决定改变一下阅读策略。文献繁多,逐一精读怕是一辈子也读不完,适当结合泛读,提纲挈领的总结主旨要义与创新点,不失为一种聪明的做法。
Paper 1
Ma-2021-EST: Comprehensive Study about the Photolysis of Nitrates on Mineral Oxides
- The heterogeneous reactions of reactive nitrogen species on mineral dust have been recognized as a significant sink of NOx and HNO3. Consequently, mineral dust mixing with nitrate is ubiquitous in the atmosphere. The average lifetime of mineral dust in the troposphere is about a few days or weeks, which can be transported to thousands of kilometers or more, having an important impact on atmospheric chemistry globally. When passing through the industrial or urban regions with high NOx concentration, the heterogeneous reaction on mineral particles leads to their mixing with nitrate. The nitrate aged mineral dust can export NOx in remote areas with low NOx concentration through the photolysis renoification process, which could then affect the regional air quality.
- The results in the present study indicate that the photolysis of nitrate can be accelerated under complex air pollution conditions with the coexistence of mineral dust and high concentrations of NH3 and SO2, for example, in the North China plain. Thus, the NOx migration and transformation accompanied by mineral dust transportation and its impact on regional and global atmospheric environment are worthy of further study.
- TiO2 was found much more reactive than Al2O3 and SiO2 with both NO2 and HONO as the two major photolysis products. The yields of NO2 and HONO depend on the cation basicity of the nitrate salts or the acidity of particles. As such, NH4NO3 is much more productive than other nitrates like Fe(NO3)3, Ca(NO3)2, and KNO3. It is found that the alkalinity of cation and coexistence of SO2 and H2O are important factors affecting the observed production rates of NO2 and HONO in the photolysis of nitrates on mineral dust containing TiO2. SO2 and water vapor promote the photodegradation by increasing the surface acidity due to the photoinduced formation of H2SO4/sulfate and H+, respectively. O2 enables the photo-oxidation of NOx to regenerate nitrate and thus inhibits the NOx yield.
- In addition to NH4NO3, there are other types of nitrates in the atmosphere. When the concentration of ammonia in the air is insufficient or the concentration of sulfuric acid is high, the conversion of gaseous HNO3 to NH4NO3 will be inhibited. At this time, the condensation of HNO3 on mineral particles could result in the formation of various nitrate species, such as Ca(NO3)2, KNO3, and Fe(NO3)3 on mineral dust.
- Ammonium is an important chemical to neutralize sulfate and nitrate in the atmosphere. The ratio of the equivalents of ammonium to the sum of sulfate plus nitrate is always close to one in PM2.5 samples, indicating that nitrate mainly exists in the form of ammonium nitrate. While in ammonium-poor samples, some metal ions (e.g., Ca2+,K+,Fe3+) in the crystal may be involved in the neutralization of sulfate and nitrate.
Paper 2
Jia-2021-JGR-A: Heterogeneous Reaction of CaCO3 With NO2 at Different Relative Humidities: Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Impacts on Aerosol Hygroscopicity
- During transport, mineral dust particles may undergo heterogeneous and multiphase reactions with trace gases, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx). Heterogeneous reaction of mineral dust with NO2, an important nitrogen oxide in the troposphere, may contribute significantly to the formation of aerosol nitrate and HONO (an important precursor of OH radicals), and could thus affect the formation of O3, and secondary aerosols.
- Mineral dust is very complex and contains a variety of minerals, among which calcite (CaCO3) is abundant and reactive. ... The hygroscopicity of unreacted CaCO3 is very low. Heterogeneous reactions of CaCO3 with acidic trace gases produce more soluble and hygroscopic specie (for example, Ca(NO3)2). This is supported by a number of field studies which found that some Ca-containing dust particles in the troposphere may exist as aqueous droplets, instead of solid particles as they were when freshly emitted. Laboratory work also showed that heterogeneous reactions with acidic trace gases could significantly enhance hygroscopicity of CaCO3 and authentic mineral dust particles.
- The change in nitrate with reaction time, can be used to calculate the average pseudo-first-order formation rate of nitrate (knet, s-1) in a given period, which is equal to the gas-particle reactive collision frequency: knet = d[NO3-] / dt. The reactive uptake coefficient of NO2, γ(NO2), defined as ratio of the reactive collision frequency to the total collision frequency, can thus be determined: γ(NO2) = knet / Z. The total collision frequency between NO2 molecules and particles, Z, can be calculated using: Z = 0.25·As·[NO2]·c(NO2). where c(NO2) is the average molecular speed of NO2 (37,043 cm s−1 at 298 K), and [NO2] is the NO2 concentration (molecule cm−3). The surface area of CaCO3 particles available for NO2 uptake, As, is equal to the mass (∼5 mg) of CaCO3 on the filter multiplied by its BET surface area (2.18 m2/g), assuming that all the CaCO3 particles on the filter are available for NO2 uptake.
- When NO2 concentration was ∼10 ppmv (∼2.5×1014 molecule cm−3), CaCO3 showed very low reactivity toward NO2 at < 1% RH, and γ(NO2) was estimated to be < 2 × 10−8; consequently, no significant change in hygroscopicity of CaCO3 particles was observed after reaction with NO2 for 24 h at < 1% RH, as the amount of nitrate formed was very limited.
- Increase in RH to 20% or higher would substantially promote heterogeneous uptake of NO2 onto CaCO3, and no surface saturation was observed after reaction for 24 h; the average γ(NO2) was determined to be (1.21±0.45)×10−7, independent of RH (20%–80%) and reaction time (3–24 h).
- We found that during heterogeneous reaction with NO2 at 20%–80% RH, reacted CaCO3 took up considerable amounts of water due to the formation of nitrate, and therefore would be covered by a deliquesced Ca(NO3)2/H2O layer, which further drove NO2 uptake via heterogeneous hydrolysis. ... This provides further support to our proposed mechanism that heterogeneous reaction of NO2 with CaCO3 at elevated RH is driven by heterogeneous hydrolysis of NO2 in the deliquesced layer formed on CaCO3 particles.
- It should be pointed out that NO2 concentrations (2.5–10 ppmv) used in our study were significantly higher than those in the troposphere. ... Therefore, one may conclude that essentially no change (or slight increase) in γ(NO2) was observed when NO2 concentrations were decreased from ∼10 to ∼2 ppmv (by a factor of five).
- In addition, although concentrations of HNO3 and N2O5 in the troposphere are lower than NO2, their heterogeneous reactivity toward mineral dust is much higher (Crowley et al., 2010); as a result, heterogeneous reactions of HNO3 and N2O5 may substantially increase hygroscopicity of CaCO3 particles and should be investigated in future.
Paper 3
Hrdina-2021-ACP: The role of coarse aerosol particles as a sink of HNO3 in wintertime pollution events in the Salt Lake Valley
- During the two persistent cold-air pool (PCAP) events captured, the fine particulate matter was dominated by secondary NH4NO3. The comparison of total nitrate (HNO3 + PM2.5 NO3−) and total NHx (NH3 + PM2.5 NH4+) showed NHx was in excess during both pollution events. However, chemical composition analysis of the snowpack during the first PCAP event revealed that the total concentration of deposited NO3− was 2.8 times larger than that of deposited NH4+, implying there is additional NO3- that is not observed by PM2.5 PNO3- and gas-phase HNO3 measurements alone. Daily snow composition measurements showed a strong correlation between NO3− and Ca2+ in the snowpack.
- Taken together, these observations imply that atmospheric measurements of the gas-phase and fine-mode particle nitrate may not represent the total burden of nitrate in the atmosphere, implying a potentially significant role for uptake by coarse-mode dust.
- Using the NO3-:NH4+ ratio observed in the snowpack to estimate the proportion of atmospheric nitrate present in the coarse mode, we estimate that the amount of secondary NH4NO3 could double in the absence of the coarse-mode sink.
- The detection of non-volatile cations (PNa+, PK+, PCa2+, and PMg2+) in PM2.5 by the AIM-IC suggests the presence of mineral dust and/or salt during PCAP pollution events, which can potentially impact the availability of HNO3. This is due to the reactive uptake of HNO3 onto NaCl— and CaCO3—containing particles, which can be predominantly found in the coarse mode. This can introduce a permanent sink for HNO3.